Posted by: vincentlopez | November 10, 2008

…Worth 1,000 Words Pt. 2


Here’s yet another pic I jacked from someone I went to college with.  This one is from the October 1992 Hit Squad concert (which I discussed here –, which still stands as probably the best concert I’ve ever seen from beginning to end.  In the pic is Reggie Noble aka Redman teaching some dude from school “How to Roll a Blunt” back stage.  And if I’m not mistaken, he was the only one from the Hit Squad to hang out with the students before and after the concert.  Redman’s everyman qualities are why so many hip-hoppers love and respect him to this day.




  1. redman is that dude. he was teaching students how to roll a blunt backstage? lol. thats dope.

    but the boogie monsters album to me is the second most underrated of all time. mark of the beast is a classic. that song does justice to what was happening during the bush years. indeed.

    what do you think about xzibit’s at the speed of life?

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