Posted by: vincentlopez | December 6, 2008

Be Right Back…


Don’t worry people. I finally got a chance to scan the September 1995 issue yesterday and I should have it posted by Monday.  It’s been hectic for me lately so I’m taking a ride down to Baltimore for the weekend to visit some friends and celebrate my birthday tomorrow.  Yeah, I’m getting older.  And with the wedding coming up in just two weeks, I need to have a good time before I get the ball and chain locked onto me forever!  Please don’t tell her I said that.  HAHAHA!!



  1. Haha, enjoy your last two weeks of freedom, after that you still have 11 seasons of Al Bundy to make you feel better:)

  2. What scene is this? When they tell him about Hamsterdam?

  3. @TC – That’s from episode 38 (season 4), according to HBO, after Hamsterdam. And it looked just like that in Baltimore in yesterday. Sadly, it reminds me of Camden, NJ.

  4. Bon Voyager (Go with it)!!! Take all the time you need and good luck in your excursions and leaps over the broom.

  5. happy birthday and congrats on the wedding!!!

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